Array and Enumeration in Structured Text

What is an array:

An array can be defined as an ordered collection of items indexed by contiguous integers. An array is a data structure that can store a number of variables of the same data type in sequence. These similar elements could be of type int, float, double, char,  Function Block, etc.

Arrays are used when there is a need to use many variables of the same type. It can be defined as a sequence of objects which are of the same data type. It is used to store a collection of data, and it is more useful to think of an array as a collection of variables of the same type. Arrays can be declared and used. A programmer has to specify the types of elements and the number of elements that are required by an array. This is called a single-dimensional array. The array size should be an integer constant and greater than zero.

One-, two-, and three-dimensional fields (arrays) are supported as elementary data types. Arrays can be defined both in the declaration part of a POU and in the global variable lists.

In the following statement, we declare an array of 5 integers and initialized them with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

ArrayInt : ARRAY [1..5] OF INT := [1,2,3,4,5];

Look at the syntax ARRAY[lower..upper] OF allows us to define any lower or upper bounds. As compared to C#, our lower bound doesn’t have to be zero. The total number of elements in the array is upper – lower + 1. We could have declared the above statement as the following as well

ArrayInt : ARRAY [2..6] OF INT := [1,2,3,4,5];

In this case, we have accessed first number by  by the following way.

firstOne := ArrayInt[2]; // 1

Now we shall describe, how we can declare an array of FUNCTION_BLOCK

Sample function block

	machineName : WSTRING :="Type A";

		machineAlarm : BOOL := FALSE;
maxRotationValue : REAL := 0.0;
rotationPerSeconds : INT := 0;
myTimer : TON ;
startMachine : BOOL := FALSE;

We declare and initialize those array of 3 instances in the following way.

ArrayMotorAc : ARRAY [1..3] OF MotorAC := [
(machineName:= "Motor_one"),
(machineName:= "Motor_two"),
(machineName:= "Motor_three")

Initialization can be done in the following way.

FOR index := 1 TO number_of_motor DO

Arrays with variable length

We can pass pointer of data to a method and calculate the index as shown in the following example.

FUNCTION FuncArrayTestByPointer : INT
  pData           : POINTER TO INT;
  nSize           : UDINT;
  pIndex      : POINTER TO INT;
  nUpperIndex     : UDINT;
  nIndex          : UDINT;
FuncArrayTestByPointer := 0;
nUpperIndex := nSize / SIZEOF(pIndex^);
IF (nUpperIndex > 0) THEN
  FOR nIndex := 0 TO (nUpperIndex - 1) DO
    pIndex := pData + (nIndex * SIZEOF(pIndex^));
    FuncArrayTestByPointer := FuncArrayTestByPointer + pIndex^;   


Example usage

array    : ARRAY[2..6] OF INT := [16, 34, 4, 43, 35];
Sum    : INT;
Sum := FuncArrayTestByPointer(ADR(array), SIZEOF(array));


Newer way use the variable array as defined in 3rd Edition of IEC 61131-3

In function blocks, functions or methods, arrays with variable length can be declared in the declaration section VAR_IN_OUT. The operators LOWER_BOUND and UPPER_BOUND can be used to determine the index limits of the array that is actually used at runtime. LOWER_BOUND returns the lower limit, UPPER_BOUND returns the upper limit.


FUNCTION FuncArrayTestByPointerNewWay : INT
  arrData    : ARRAY[*] OF INT;
  nIndex     : DINT;
FuncArrayTestByPointerNewWay := 0;
FOR nIndex := LOWER_BOUND(arrData, 1) TO UPPER_BOUND(arrData, 1) DO
  FuncArrayTestByPointerNewWay := FuncArrayTestByPointerNewWay + arrData[nIndex];

Example usage
array   : ARRAY[2..8] OF INT := [36, 34, 4, 43, 35, 2, 65];
Sum    : INT;
Sum := FuncArrayTestByPointerNewWay(array);


PLC Array index and HMI array index

We declare an array like the following.

ArrayInt : ARRAY [5..9] OF INT := [10,2,3,4,5];
myvar : INT := -1;
myvar := ArrayInt[5];

We have mapped those variables and want to display the ArrayInt and myvar on the HMI, see the mapping in the following picture.

Figure 01: ArrayInt[5] is mapped as ArrayInt[0] in HMI

As we see in the HMI it is mapped from 0 to 4 and in the PLC it is declared as 5 to 0. This is the default behavior. We can read the first item by the following code. Note that we are using ArrayInt[0] not 5

async function asyncFunctionCall() {
try {
    const myvar = await ReadPLCVariable('%s%PLC1.MAIN.ArrayInt[0]%/s%');
    var myTextBlockControl = TcHmi.Controls.get('TcHmiTextblock_1');
catch(error) {
    console.log(`ErrorCode = ${error.ErrorCode}`);
    console.log(`ErrorText = ${error.ErrorText}`);

Figure 02: Second text block shows the number as read by the above code


=> Changing index in HMI

Index in PLC can have any index, we can adjust the index HMI in the following way.

Some info related to variable length in array.

LOWER_BOUND(arrData, 1) returns as lower bound of the supplied array, and its type is DINT. We can know the number of items by substracting lower bound from the upper bound.


Download the sample from the link given above.

Next, let’s try to understand PLC data type at

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